Tuition, Scholarships, and Financial Aid

At Founder’s College, 皇冠投注的目标是让学生毕业时很少甚至没有债务, but a lot of possibilities.

方正学院是专门为经济资源有限的学生设计的. It is anticipated that each student will qualify for Federal Pell Grants and Indiana state aid, minimizing out-of-pocket costs.

希望方正学院的学生住在家里,以减少他们的生活费用. Additionally, 皇冠投注帮助学生寻找外部工作,帮助他们赚取额外的收入用于个人开支.

Applying for Financial Aid


所有申请方正学院的学生都必须填写 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to access all financial assistance options. FAFSA应在2025年2月15日优先申请截止日期之前提交. 通过FAFSA证明高水平的经济需求是进入方正学院的先决条件.

大多数外国公民没有资格获得美国联邦学生援助.S. Department of Education, and cannot file the FAFSA. 然而,在某些情况下,非公民 may be eligible for federal government aid. Visit for more information. 

Use Butler’s school code when filing: 001788.

If you are unable to file the FAFSA, please contact our Financial Aid team.

Tuition & Fees

Without scholarships or grants, 创始人学院2025-2026学年的学杂费为19美元,895*, which includes $18,905 for tuition and $990 for fees.

*皇冠投注网的每个副学士学位课程都有一定程度的夏季招生, 通常从6到12个学时不等,具体取决于学位. 这些夏季学分的费用估计在1 848美元至3 696美元之间.

该项目的学杂费将由联邦佩尔助学金和印第安纳州助学金共同支付. The Federal Pell Grant is a need-based award that doesn’t require repayment, offering up to $7,395 for the 2024–2025 academic year. Indiana state aid programs, like the Frank O’Bannon Grant,旨在帮助有经济需要的学生支付合格院校的学杂费. 这些项目支持皇冠投注学院的承诺,让经济资源有限的学生更负担得起教育.

方正学院的学生应该住在家里,通勤到校园, eliminating room and board expenses. 

After earning an associate degree, 学生有一个令人兴奋的选择,在接下来的两年内在皇冠投注网攻读学士学位. If they decide to continue at Butler, 估计的费用将基于该大学当年的学杂费,但学生仍有资格获得联邦和州资助, along with Butler institutional aid assistance. 皇冠投注致力于确保慈善支持,以缓解过渡到学士学位和降低成本. 学生也可以寻求外部奖学金和/或联邦学生贷款来帮助支付费用. 

Resources Provided to Students

In addition to fees, 皇冠投注将协助支付其他费用,如交通费, books, and laptops. 皇冠投注致力于确保经济挑战不会阻碍你获得学位,获得你应得的生活和事业.


  • A laptop
  • Assistance with transportation costs
  • Books and instructional materials
  • One meal provided on class days

Types of Aid

Every student’s financial aid eligibility is unique. After you complete the FAFSA, your financial aid offer will be provided, as well as an outline of your anticipated costs.  方正学院学生可获得的经济援助类型包括:

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